First Stop Wentworth

Wednesday evening at Wentworth. We’re pretty much packed and ready to leave in the morning. On the finch feeder outside our window are an American Tree Sparrow who is about to be chased off by a male Purple Finch (the rosy coloured one). Trying to identify some birds on the trip will be one of our pastimes, but I doubt we’ll have too many feeders out the window, so pictures like this aren’t likely. We’ve brought our Sibley Guide to Birds to look them up but if you have a contrary opinion let us know.
Blogging is a new experience for me. I'll watch the site with interest. I sent you an e-mail with our contact info the day you left. Be sure to call when you reach Burlington and I hope you have a lot of fun along the way!
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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